Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Life steps

I've always wanted a tattoo. I just didn't know what to get. After much deliberation, I've decided to get one on my side-- a kind of rib piece. I want a Calla Lilly with a text-based stem. The stem will say my favorite quote: "The unexamined life is not worth living." It's by Socrates, and its a quote that I've striven to stick by my entire life. I've tried to always examine myself from every angle and to examine life as it hits me from each view. This is, perhaps, why I'm so overly analytical and why others think of me as "deep." Really, its because I'm constantly trying to figure out what makes man, and woman, kind tick. Why go through life not knowing what makes the world go round, or what kind of chemicals make up powdered lemonade? In examining my life, I've found out a lot about myself over the years, though I'm barely twenty. This is why I've decided to wait until my 21st birthday to ink myself. Mainly, because that's a big year to hit, but secondly because its the close of the hugest chapter of my life. I will have graduated from college by that time, and will hopefully have a career set in place. I'm not saying that I'm planning on having someone draw on me in permanent ink every 21 years (though that is a thought), I'm just saying that to achieve something as magnificent as one's 21st birthday is a huge step. Taking the step to get a tattoo is also significant. Hello, it's forever! So, here is a picture of the calla lilly that I want to get. Nice, huh? Though, the stem will be text coming out of the green-- maybe even green text. Calla Lillies mean "magnificent beauty," and what is more of a magnificent beauty than the examined life?

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