...A hiatus from writing about my life, or life in general, as prompted me to begin again. Not necessarily anew, per se, but begin again a la sprints or swimming laps or what have you. Anyway here goes nothing... I think.
Been thinking a lot. More than usual, I should mention, due to the fact that I've had a recent exposure to what is commonly referred to as a rejection. That's right folks I got rejected. Twice in one week. The first was by someone I wasn't particularly wholeheartedly interested in, but rather wanted to befriend and move forward with. The second was by someone I had met and made a move on and was promptly denied the next day. Now, as someone who has, albeit, been absent from "The Game" I found these two instances rather jarring, and it's gotten me thinking about, what else, game. Who has it? How long do you have it? Do you rent it, or own it? Does your game expire after x-many months of not using it? My answer to the last question is, maybe it does. Its been a damn long time since I've had to use what game I had on anyone, and I felt really out of practice and uncomfortable. The phrase "step up your game" really was applicable in my situation(s). What did I do wrong? Why in the hell wasn't I in control of anything?
I'm not saying that everyone should be running game on everyone else, but what I am saying is that its highly likely my game needs a workout and these two opportunities were the warm-up. So where is the real challenge? Is running game applicable to anything in the world? Because if that's the case then I've been in practice for as long as I've had it. But if it's not the case, then where did it go when I needed it most? I used to get so excited from the thrill of a new player in my game because it was the prospect of a new project, something to focus my extra energy upon; and now I have all this energy and nobody to use it on or share it with! Which brings me to my next point:
To Run Game, or To Be Alone? Since I've been in Chicago, I've had Zero (0) new, shall I say, encounters and it has made me consider what I really want. Selfishly, a fling with one or two someones wouldn't be that bad-or so my head says. My heart, granted a jaded and relatively brand new heart, suggests that I find someone to be a companion. I've spent many a night believing that I am forever truly alone and am never meant to be with just one person; that my future is sure to be littered with hearts that I vaguely considered to be worthy. For those that know me, that's enough. It's who I am, and who I have been for years and ultimately, who I have shaped myself to be. So now what? I'm taking suggestions. Frankly, what I don't want to hear is that "I'll meet someone who will sweep me off my feet," or "just go out and meet people like you're good at," or, my personal favorite: "when the right person comes along, you'll know." All of those diatribes can go straight back to where they came from. I'm not an idealist, I'm a thinker and a realist and someone who lives in the real world; not a Disney-molded fairy tale. I don't want a Disney ending, but I would sure as hell like to know where I'm gonna end up and whether or not someone is going to be there laughing at the expense of others with me. Because I'd like to go ahead and prepare myself.
I leave it to the fates to decide. Funny how a realist leaves her future to the fates; the irony is not lost on me.
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